🇵🇷 La Borinqueña 🏆 Boys & Girls Club Junior of the Year 🚫 Cerrado por jornada electoral.

Estimados vecinos,

El 1 de marzo, asistí a la inauguración de una nueva exposición en el Museo Nacional de Arte y Cultura Puertorriqueños llamada Arte de La Borinqueña, una exposición colaborativa con la obra del creador Edgardo Miranda-Rodríguez. La Borinqueña, una superheroína que representa la resistencia y la herencia puertorriqueñas, es la pieza central de la exposición, en la que se destacan temas como la historia, las cuestiones sociales y la diversidad. La exposición pretende inspirar a los visitantes, especialmente a los jóvenes puertorriqueños, a través del coraje y la compasión del personaje. Animo a todos los que lean esto a visitar esta exposición, que estará abierta hasta el 26 de octubre de 2024. Para más detalles y programación, visite el sitio web del museo en https://nmprac.org/.

El Puerto Rico Town de Humboldt Park, junto con otros distritos culturales de Chicago, puede ahora solicitar millones en fondos estatales para preservar sus singulares identidades culturales. El Gobernador JB Pritzker presentó el programa en una rueda de prensa en el Museo Nacional de Arte y Cultura Puertorriqueños, destacando su objetivo de apoyar el desarrollo económico, el turismo y la conservación de edificios históricos y tradiciones. Yo, junto con varios otros líderes comunitarios, elogiamos la iniciativa como un paso vital para proteger a las comunidades del desplazamiento y promover la empresa cultural.

El pasado miércoles visité el Museo Nacional de la Vivienda Pública para ver su exposición "Desahuciados", basada en el libro de Matthew Desmond ganador del Premio Pulitzer. La exposición ofrece una conmovedora exploración de la crisis de los desahucios de inquilinos con bajos ingresos en Estados Unidos. A través de un diseño innovador y una narración convincente, los visitantes se sumergen en los retos a los que se enfrentan las familias de inquilinos y se enfrentan a la cruda realidad del desahucio. La exposición no sólo sensibiliza sobre el problema, sino que también inspira a la acción mostrando intervenciones y soluciones aplicadas por gobiernos locales y organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro. A medida que la exposición recorre ciudades de todo Estados Unidos, su objetivo es animar a los visitantes a abogar por el cambio en sus comunidades y apoyar a los afectados por los desahucios crónicos. Esta es otra exposición que animo a todo el mundo a visitar. Para más información sobre Evicted y el Museo Nacional de la Vivienda Pública, visite su sitio web en https://www.nphm.org/programs/exhibits.

Mi jefa de personal, Juanita García, actuó como jurado para el premio al Joven del Año del Club de Niños y Niñas de la Union League de este año, y estamos muy orgullosos de que la ganadora de este año, Taliyah Johnson, sea de Humboldt Park y asista al Club de Niños y Niñas de Barreto en el distrito. Taliyah es una destacada alumna de 6º curso de la escuela primaria Moos y miembro entregado del Barreto Boys and Girls Club desde hace seis años. Durante su estancia en el club, Taliyah ha participado activamente en diversas actividades, como el Media Club, Smart Girls y el Science Club, especialmente durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Fuera de sus compromisos con el club, Taliyah disfruta jugando al voleibol, corriendo en pista y haciendo voluntariado para apoyar a su comunidad. Con aspiraciones de asistir a Lane Tech High School en los próximos años y, en última instancia, obtener un título en Derecho en la Universidad de Harvard, Taliyah es un ejemplo de determinación y ambición en su búsqueda del éxito académico y personal. Felicitamos a Taliyah por esta victoria y le deseamos lo mejor en todos sus proyectos.

En la primera audiencia del comité de la Autoridad de Tránsito de Chicago (CTA), el presidente de la CTA, Dorval Carter, hizo varias promesas.

En primer lugar, tiene previsto restablecer los servicios de autobús y tren a los niveles anteriores a la pandemia con nuevos horarios, gracias a las sólidas estrategias de contratación de los operadores de autobuses y trenes. Cuando se le preguntó por la seguridad, el Presidente Carter aseguró que, a pesar de una reciente agresión sexual, la delincuencia ha disminuido, y sigue abogando por más recursos de seguridad. Pude aprovechar mi tiempo para hablar de la financiación destinada a las personas sin hogar en la CTA. Sólo han acogido un evento de traslado acelerado (AME), y estoy presionando para que se planifiquen más. Como sé en nuestro barrio, AME conectar a los vecinos con los servicios, trabajadores sociales, y lo más importante, la vivienda. Tengo la intención de hacer que el Presidente Dorval responsable de estas promesas, y espero con interés la próxima audiencia del comité de CTA trimestre.

La Feria de Oficios de CPS fue un gran lanzamiento del programa de empleo juvenil de verano de One Summer Chicago. Más de 3,000 estudiantes pudieron explorar una variedad de oficios, incluyendo electricidad, construcción y cuidado de la salud. El alcalde, el concejal Mike Rodríguez, y yo pudimos escuchar a los estudiantes que participan en el Programa Puente del Sindicato de Fontaneros. Sorprendentemente, los 21 estudiantes que completaron el programa también recibieron cartas de intención de contratación.

Son oportunidades como estas las que alteran el curso de la vida de nuestros jóvenes: la exposición a habilidades que conducen a sólidos empleos sindicales. Como Presidente del Subcomité de Empleo Juvenil, estoy orgulloso del trabajo del equipo de Servicios Juveniles del DFSS por su arduo trabajo en eventos como estos.

Me gustaría dar un gran aplauso a ALSO, BUILD y Rincón Family Services por apoyar la caminata de seguridad de la semana pasada. Nuestras caminatas de seguridad no serían posibles sin el apoyo de nuestras organizaciones de prevención de la violencia.

Esperamos verlos hoy en la Reunión de Seguridad Comunitaria en la Primaria Lloyd. Estacione en el lote del lado de la Avenida Shakespeare para entrar por la Puerta 7. Vea los detalles abajo.

Estas cálidas semanas finales del invierno han sido ocupadas, pero satisfactorias debido a las muchas conexiones que he podido hacer con todos ustedes, tanto en la oficina como en nuestros eventos. Agradezco cada una de sus llamadas, correos electrónicos, visitas a la oficina y cartas, incluida la carta del joven de una escuela primaria local que se tomó el tiempo para contarme lo que está aprendiendo en clase de historia. Como siempre, si tienen preguntas o inquietudes, no duden en ponerse en contacto con mi equipo en info@the26thward.org o llamando a nuestra oficina al 773-395-0143.

Su concejal del distrito 26,

Jessie Fuentes

26th Ward Office Updates

26th Community Safety Town Hall

Join us as we discuss Community Safety in the 26th Ward on Tuesday, March 12th, 6pm - 8pm at Lloyd Elementary School. RSVP at: bit.ly/safety26

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Community Safety Statement

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Coffee With Your Alderperson

Join State Rep. Lilian Jimenez and me on Saturday, March 16th at Tasa Coffee Roasters (4136 W North ave) for free coffee and pastries from 10am - 12pm. Ask questions, share your ideas, and communicate your community concerns. RSVP at: bit.ly/26coffee

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Hate Crime Ordinance Updates

Recent changes to the Chicago Hate Crimes Ordinance have created new protocols for reporting Hate Incidents and the removal of Hateful Graffiti. See the FAQ above.

City Department Survey

Your feedback is important to us. My office would like to learn more about your experiences and interactions with city departments. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey regarding your interactions with city departments. Your responses will help us improve our services and identify gaps in service. Complete the survey at:

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Connect with the 26th Ward Office

Ward Hours

The 26th ward office is located at 2511 W. Division StStarting this week, our office's new regular hours of operation are as follows:

  • Monday 1 pm - 7 pm*
  • Tuesday 10 am - 5 pm
  • Wednesday 10 am - 5 pm
  • Thursday 10 am - 5 pm
  • Friday 10 am - 5 pm.

*Ward Night: Monday's 5 pm - 7 pm

Ward Nights

Ward nights are an opportunity to meet with Alderperson Fuentes to talk to her about local or city issues and they take place every Monday from 5pm - 7pm. Ward night meetings are by appointment only and on a first come, first served basis.


If you would like to meet with Alderperson Fuentes during ward night, please call or email the ward office at 773-395-0143 or info@the26thward.org

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26th Ward Youth Council 

We are excited to inspire our young people to get involved in government and organize in the community. If you are a youth (12-24 years old) that resides in the 26th Ward and wants to have a say in how we spend infrastructure money and what type of policies I champion, please sign up for our youth council by applying at bit.ly/youth26. Stay stunned for our next meeting date.


26th Ward Ambassadors

We are excited to announce the new 26th Ward Ambassadors program to build stronger connections with neighbors & spread the word about important resources. Join a community of neighbors ready to take action, attend educational workshops, and more. If you're interested in signing up, call our Ward Office at 773-395-0143 and ask for Juanita.

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Volunteer & Donate to Asylum Seekers

El Árbol is a new free store in Logan Square. Visit elarbolchicago.com to arrange donation drop offs or to signup for a volunteer shift.


Donations of winter clothing and supplies for asylum seekers can also be dropped off at our office (2511 W Division St). Winter coats, blankets, winter gear and sleeping bags are especially in need.

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26th Ward Zoning

The 26th Ward community-driven zoning process requires that anyone requesting a zoning change must first complete a zoning intake form. Once their intake form has been reviewed they are invited to present their zoning request to the 26th Ward Zoning Advisory Committee and must answer additional questions posed by the committee. When applicable, the person requesting a zoning change may also be required to present their zoning request to the broader public during a community input meeting.


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Community Events

San Juan 5k

This Father's Day experience the excitement of running (or walking) through Chicago's beautiful Humboldt Park with family, friends and your community. The race begins on June 6th in front of the 60 foot Puerto Rican Flag Landmark. You'll cross into our "Parranda" finish line as the sounds of tropical rhythms greet you and lead you into refreshing drinks & snacks con mucho sabor! If you LOVE what you're reading so far then you will LOVE the 5K San Juan Run (& Walk). Click here to sign up. 

Honoring the Life and Work of John Hagedorn

Last October, the academic community suffered a profound loss with the passing of Dr. John Hagedorn, a distinguished scholar and social activist. In remembrance of his remarkable contributions, the Department of Criminology at DePaul University is organizing an event on April 1 from 1-4pm to celebrate the life and work of Dr. Hagedorn. To learn more and register for the event, visit the event page.

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LoSAH Center of Hope Community Conversations

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Park District Teen Opportunity Fair

Attend a Chicago Park District Teen Opportunity Fair on March 9th, March 23rd, or April 6th. Job opportunities for ages 16+ and programs and resources for ages 13-15.

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Small Business Tax Planning Workshop

Do you have questions about federal taxes for your small business? Join the Center for Changing Lives for this 4-week series to support your small business with IRS Senior Stakeholder Liaison, Michael Mudroncik. Click here to register.


Topics include:
3/6/24: Federal Taxes and Your New Business
3/13/24: Schedule C and Other Small Business Taxes
3/20/24: Federal Taxes When Hiring Employees or Independent Contractors
3/27/24: Hiring People Who Live in the US Who Aren't Citizens

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In partnership with After School Matters (ASM) and Clemente Community Academy, the School Matters program is located in the heart of Paseo Boricua in Humboldt Park, welcomes creative minds of young females interested in developing essential skills and knowledge in developing essential skills and knowledge in the arts via: arts production, cultural practices, event planning, cultural content creation, arts appreciation and history, arts administration and business development. From bustling arts or cultural business ides, developing authentic marketing plans to event planning and design, apprentices are encouraged to collaborate, seek wisdom within their own community, and engage in a practice of cultural literacy, wealth and advancement.

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Public Notices

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Contact 2-1-1 for Free Tax Prep

This tax season, 211 Metro Chicago is a point of contact for those seeking help filing their taxes. Offered through the City of Chicago and Ladder Up, residents can contact 2-1-1 to get connected to free tax preparation and find a site near them. You can also search for a nearby site by going to www.goladderup.org/locations/

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26th Ward Crime Stats

Between January 17th - February 14th, 2024 the 26th Ward saw:

  • 10 days with 0 violent crimes
  • An average of  1.31 violent crimes per day
  • Mondays and Sundays had the highest number of crimes
  • 6 PM was the most common time
  • 28 violent crime in total, including;
  • 15 total robberies
  • 23 assaults/batteries
  • Highest number of violent crimes in one day: 5 (on January 29)

This analysis is provided by the 26th Ward Community Safety Committee.

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Public Safety Meetings

The Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability (CCPSA) has introduce a new and improved interactive calendar, which you can click here to access. One of the key features of this calendar is the inclusion of the yearly meeting calendar for both the Commission for Public Safety and your local District Councils. By simply visiting this website, you can find the dates, times, and locations of all scheduled meetings. 


14th Police District Council

Join elected District Councilors every first Saturday of the month at 1pm to work for better police accountability, restorative justice, and evidence based approaches to public safety. Please sign up at bit.ly/do14news for Councillor David Orlikoff's newsletter or email David.Orlikoff@cityofchicago.org with questions.


Add your voice to help CPD identify training priorities

To take this voluntary and confidential survey, you can click here or use the QR code on a smart phone. The survey takes just 5 minutes to complete.


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Learn about City Contracting Opportunities

The Department of Procurement Services provides opportunities to small, local, minorities, women, people with disabilities and veterans to ensure that the businesses that work on City contracts reflect the rich diversity of the City of Chicago. And they are now offering workshops
virtually. To register, sign-up at chicago.gov/dpsevents.

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Garbage and Recycling Reminders

Get your trash and recycling pickup schedule and reminders (holidays, recycling events, bulky item pickup) emailed to you by using Recycle by City. Severe weather can affect the collection schedule. In the event of a delay, please leave your carts out until they have been collected. For missed pickups, please call 311.

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New EV Charger Rebate

As part of a larger investment to accelerate an equitable adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in northern Illinois, ComEd launched a new rebate program to increase access to EV chargers. Through the $5 million EV Charger and Installation Rebate Program, ComEd customers can receive rebates of up to $3,750 to offset the cost of purchasing and installing a Level 2 charger in their home in 2024. For more information on application requirements, and to apply, visit ComEd.com/clean.

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Ballot Initiative Info: Bring Chicago Home

The Bring Chicago Home (BCH) initiative seeks to restructure the Real Estate Transfer Tax (RETT) to generate dedicated funds for permanent affordable housing, with voters deciding on this initiative on March 19, 2024. The proposal involves decreasing taxes for properties under $1 million and increasing them for properties exceeding $1 million. Click here to read the language on the referendum. If you have any questions, please contact our office.

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Citizenship Classes

Northern Illinois Justice for Our Neighbors is a nonprofit organization that provides free high-quality legal services to low-income immigrants, engages in education and advocacy efforts and builds cross-cultural communities. They currently provide citizenship classes at the Northwest Community Church in Belmont Cragin. Once a student is ready to become a citizen, they schedule free consultations for them to complete their Applications for Naturalization with an attorney and help students apply for the Citizenship Scholarship, which covers the $725 USCIS fee. Learn more at www.nijfon.org.

Get Involved

Serve as a Poll Watcher

I encourage you to apply to become an election day judge in the 26th ward. We aim to fill all judge vacancies in our polling locations, to ensure a transparent and vibrant electoral experience for our community. This paid position offers a great opportunity to support our democratic process. Reach out to the 26th ward staff with any questions or to express your interest!


Office location:  2511 W Division Street, Chicago, IL 60622

  • Monday 1 pm - 5 pm*
  • Tuesday 10 am - 5 pm
  • Wednesday 10 am - 5 p
  • Thursday 10 am - 5 pm
  • Friday 10 am - 5 pm

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Las Damas de Belmont Cragin Fundraiser

Las Damas de Belmont Cragin is a community organization focused on educating children, empowering women, and uplifting the community. This year their goal is to raise $5000 by March 8th—International Women’s Day and our theme is “Women of Impact”. Click here to support their fundraising goal.

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Support A 26th Ward High School Student

A 26th Ward high school student who is passionate about environmental science is fundraising so she can participate in an Aquatic Ecosystems & Sustainability program in Portugal for this summer. You can support and learn more about Isabell's fundraiser here.

Job Opportunities

Apply to be a Park District Lifeguard

Apply Now to be a Chicago Park District Summer Lifeguard!
Complete three easy steps: (1) Apply (2) Take the swim test (3) Get hired. Get a $50 Amazon gift card for taking the test, and $400 for completing the training. Must be a Chicago resident age 16 or older by July 1, 2024. Enjoy a summer job in the parks! Apply now at chicagoparkdistrict.com/lifeguards/CPS.

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Erie Health Hiring

Erie Family Health Centers makes healthcare more accessible and affordable for everyone in our community, and they’re inviting people to join their mission-driven team. Check out these opportunities to work as a Medical Assistant or Patient Access Representative.

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Hiring at Casa Central

Apply to be a Home Care Aide at Casa Central. Training is provided and there is a $500 sign-on bonus. Learn more at casacentral.org/careers.

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School to Work Program for Young Adults

Bridges is a program that assists young adults in Chicago with job readiness, work maturity skills, job search, interviewing skills, entry level job placement, retention, and follow‐up. For more information go to bridgestowork.org.

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Career Opportunities with the City


Additional Resources

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New Program Connects Landlords and Vacant Apartments To Folks In Need

Chicago Rents is a program that connects landlords to tenants through multiple housing subsidy programs, allowing property partners to receive guaranteed rent, fill vacant units, and access individualized support. Chicago Rents is a program that was created in response to COVID-19 to centralize property partner relationships across multiple housing programs. Through Chicago Rents, property partners are connected with Chicagoans in need of housing, filling unit vacancies and making a real difference in Chicago's neighborhoods. For additional information, please visit: allchicago.org/chicagorents.


If you are a landlord interested in joining the Chicago Rents program, you can click here to apply.

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Reproductive Justice

If you know someone looking for reproductive justice resources in Chicago, they can go to this Department of Public Health resource page to use the City’s digital community resource directory. There is also a free talkline (1-888-493-0092) where operators are available to share information on various reproductive justice options. 

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2511 W Division Street, Chicago, IL 60622



 Monday 1 pm - 7 pm |  Tuesday 10 am - 5 pm

Wednesday 10 am - 5 pm | Thursday 10 am - 5 pm

Friday 10 am - 5 pm


🐶 Sombra 🌴 Solicitud de One Summer Chicago 🚫 Cerrado el lunes 1 de abril


💐Colectivamente estamos transformando nuestro barrio