🏘️ ¡Únete el lunes a la Feria de Recursos de Vivienda! 🌎 Parque Humboldt: Limpieza del Día de la Tierra 🌎


Estimados vecinos,

El Día de la Tierra se celebrará este sábado, 20 de abril en el Parque de Humboldt. Durante muchos años, los miembros de la comunidad se han arremangado, se han puesto los guantes y han ayudado a embellecer el parque. Llevo más de 20 años participando en las limpiezas del Día de la Tierra organizadas por el Comité Asesor del Parque Humboldt y Amigos del Parque. Invitó personalmente a todos los que lean esto a que se unan a mí y se apunten o simplemente se presenten en el cobertizo para botes del parque Humboldt el sábado a las 9 de la mañana para ayudar a esparcir virutas de madera, recoger basura o rastrillar hojas. 

Estoy muy orgullosa de anunciar un nuevo negocio en el barrio de Paseo Boricua en Puerto Rico Town: Reina's Cakes. Durante más de 35 años, Reina ha estado haciendo los más deliciosos productos horneados, y después de dedicar tantos años a su oficio, ella ha hecho su sueño de ir de ladrillo y mortero en una realidad. El sábado 13 de abril, Reina celebró su gran inauguración, en la que cientos de miembros de la comunidad y simpatizantes de toda la vida se reunieron para esta ocasión trascendental. Quiero felicitar a Reina por esta iniciativa y desearle mucho éxito. Reina's Cakes se encuentra en 2550 W. Division y está abierto de miércoles a viernes 7am-1pm y sábados y domingos de 11am-5pm. Si pasas un domingo y la tienda está cerrada, busca a Reina en Humboldt Park donde estará vendiendo sus deliciosos pasteles desde su colorido carrito. 

Como algunos de ustedes sabrán, hubo un tiroteo cerca de North y Kedzie el martes 9 de abril a las 3:49pm. Por desgracia, un niño de cuatro años quedó atrapado en el fuego cruzado y recibió un disparo en el abdomen.  En cuanto tuve conocimiento del incidente, acudí al lugar de los hechos para recabar información y apoyar a los miembros de la comunidad y a los primeros intervinientes. Mi oficina y yo reunimos rápidamente a nuestro comité de seguridad y recorrimos la zona donde se produjo el tiroteo. Hablamos con los propietarios de negocios y miembros de la comunidad alentando a cualquier persona con información relacionada con el tiroteo a cooperar con la CPD y su investigación. Me gustaría dar un agradecimiento especial a ALSO, PRCC, BUILD, Rincón Family Services y los muchos vecinos que apoyaron la caminata de seguridad. El niño de cuatro años ha salido de la cirugía y se está recuperando.

El 6 de abril marcó el comienzo de la Semana del Niños Pequeños y tuve el honor de participar en la lectura en voz alta de la Guardería Kimball donde compartí mi pasión por la lectura y el conocimiento con la futura generación de líderes. Quiero extender un profundo agradecimiento a la Directora Teresa Rodríguez por extenderme la invitación a ser testigo del increíble trabajo que hacen de primera mano.

A principios de la semana pasada visité el Museo Nacional de Arte y Cultura Puertorriqueña, donde Choose Chicago organizó una proyección especial de The 77. A City of Neighborhoods, en la que se presentó Humboldt Park: A City of Neighborhoods (Los 77: una ciudad de barrios), en la que se presentó Humboldt Park. Yo aparezco en el documental y tuve el honor de compartir mi experiencia de crecer en esta comunidad que me enriqueció y me permitió florecer en el defensor que soy hoy. Un agradecimiento especial a José López de la PRCC y Choose Chicago por destacar la comunidad resistente que es Humboldt Park y dos de los muchos grandes negocios: Papa's Cache Sabroso y Esmeralda's Lounge. Puedes ver el episodio completo aquí.

Como uno de los diez cargos electos invitados por Alternative Schools Network a visitar Los Ángeles, me siento inspirado y aún más comprometido con la construcción de un Chicago más fuerte. Pudimos visitar Soledad Enrichment Action y Education Corps para conocer programas de éxito, financiación y políticas de reinscripción de jóvenes no escolarizados. Finalizamos nuestro viaje con una visita a Eunisses Hernández, miembro del Consejo del Distrito 1, que nos habló de cómo su organización de base se presta a la labor transformadora de educar y capacitar a los electores. Compartimos historias de esperanza y lucha en nuestros retos comunes de apoyo a los vecinos sin hogar y a los inmigrantes recién llegados. Estas raras oportunidades de estar en comunidad con organizaciones y funcionarios electos que están haciendo un cambio real son poderosas. ¡Gracias ASN por la experiencia!

Por último, el lunes, 22 de abril de 6-8pm, yo, junto con el Representante Estatal Lilian Jiménez, será el anfitrión de nuestra primera Feria de Recursos de Vivienda. Vamos a empezar con un panel de expertos, a continuación, ofrecer dos talleres simultáneos (uno para los compradores de vivienda y uno para los inquilinos) que la gente se registre a su llegada. Habrá recursos de vivienda para propietarios, futuros compradores e inquilinos. La oficina del Comisionado del Condado de Cook, Anthony Quezada, también estará presente y ayudará a los propietarios a solicitar exenciones. Por favor ayúdenos a correr la voz y espero verlos allí.

Gracias por leernos. Manténgase conectado para más actualizaciones interesantes la próxima semana.

Su Concejal del Distrito 26,
Jessie Fuentes

26th Ward Office Updates

26th Ward Housing Resource Fair 

Join us for a special Housing Resource Fair coming up this Monday, April 22nd, 6pm at New Life Covenant Church, 3400 W. Division St. RSVP by scanning the QR code above or click here. This fair will feature resources for renters, homeowners, prospectives home buyers and beyond.

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Street Sweeping

Street sweeping began Monday, April 1st and will be ongoing until November.


Click here to see the street sweeping schedule for the 26th Ward

As a reminder, if you live in the following sections: 5,6,7,8 and 9 that means your block has permanent signs installed as a result you will not paper-signs hung as a reminder to move your vehicle. 


Click here to sign up for reminders at wethesweeple.com.

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City Department Survey

Your feedback is important to us. My office would like to learn more about your experiences and interactions with city departments. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey regarding your interactions with city departments. Your responses will help us improve our services and identify gaps in service. Complete the survey at:

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Connect with the 26th Ward Office

Ward Nights

Ward nights are an opportunity to meet with Alderperson Fuentes to talk to her about local or city issues and they take place every Monday from 5pm - 7pm. Ward night meetings are by appointment only and on a first come, first served basis.


If you would like to meet with Alderperson Fuentes during ward night, please call or email the ward office at 773-395-0143 or info@the26thward.org

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26th Ward Youth Council 

We are excited to inspire our young people to get involved in government and organize in the community. If you are a youth (12-24 years old) that resides in the 26th Ward and wants to have a say in how we spend infrastructure money and what type of policies I champion, please sign up for our youth council by applying at bit.ly/youth26. Stay stunned for our next meeting date.


We're Hiring Young People!

We are hiring 15 young people ages 16-24 to work with our office during the summer. Interested in photography, government, or helping your neighbors? Apply at www.onesummerchicago.org. Make sure you choose Alternative Schools Network for the agency you want to work with. Applications are due FRIDAY, MAY 3.


Survey: Bike Lanes on North Ave

Complete a public survey today to share your experience with bike lanes on North Ave between Central Park Ave and California Ave!

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26th Ward Zoning

The 26th Ward community-driven zoning process requires that anyone requesting a zoning change must first complete a zoning intake form. Once their intake form has been reviewed they are invited to present their zoning request to the 26th Ward Zoning Advisory Committee and must answer additional questions posed by the committee. When applicable, the person requesting a zoning change may also be required to present their zoning request to the broader public during a community input meeting.


We are currently reviewing zoning change requests for the following properties. You are invited to provide feedback at: the26thward.org/zoning.

  • 1941 N Sawyer Ave
  • 4116 W North Ave

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Community Events

National Museum Of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture Presents: Primavera 

The National Musuem Of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture is hosting a Poetry Showcase and an Open Mic Night on April 25th at 5:30 -7:30pm. For more information please visit https://nmprac.org/

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Sabin Block Party

Mark your calendars we are excited to announce that Sabin Dual Language School will be hosting their first Annual Sabin Block Party from 12-4pm, on Saturday May 18th.


The Block Party will feature performances by the Jesse White Tumblers, live music, a poetry slam, crafts, games, food trucks, CFD fire truck, vendors, community celebration! Scan the code above for more information.

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Zero Landfill Material Giveaway

Calling all artists, teachers, crafters, and more; join this event on May 4 from 10am-1pm for a FREE material giveaway. Items available include Design and Architectural samples like fabric, tile, laminate, vinyl, rubber, wallcovering, glass, wood, binders, and more!

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Seeking Affirming Care or other LGBTQ+ Resources: ALMA Chicago has you covered! 

Are you or someone you know in need of services that are culturally competent and LGBTQ+ affirming? ALMA can refer you to our direct service partners and other resources available in Chicago and beyond. Referrals include health services, housing, legal services, and more!

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Public Notices

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Department of Housing: Green Homes Chicago

The Department of Housing will be unveiling its upcoming pilot program, Green Homes Chicago. You can read more about the program here.


Registration will be open from 9am Monday, May 6 – 5pm Friday, May 17, 2024


You will be able to register to confirm your interest in participating in the program from 9am Monday, May 6 – 5pm Friday, May 17, 2024 at www.chicago.gov/greenhomes or by using the CHI311 mobile app.


*Residents who do not have computer access can register by calling the City's 311 service line. 

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Property Tax Exemptions Now Open

Property tax–saving exemptions applications for the 2023 tax year are now available online. Exemptions are savings that contribute to lowering a homeowner’s property tax bill. The most common is the Homeowner Exemption, which saves a property owner an average of $950 dollars each year. New homeowners, first-time applicants, or those that need to reapply can now do so online at cookcountyassessor.com/exemptions. Homeowners are strongly encouraged to apply online so there is a digital record of their application. This allows Assessor staff to easily locate the application, provide a status update, and notify the homeowner if missing documents are needed.

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Public Safety Meetings

The Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability (CCPSA) has introduce a new and improved interactive calendar, which you can click here to access. One of the key features of this calendar is the inclusion of the yearly meeting calendar for both the Commission for Public Safety and your local District Councils. By simply visiting this website, you can find the dates, times, and locations of all scheduled meetings. 


14th Police District Council

Join elected District Councilors every first Saturday of the month at 1pm to work for better police accountability, restorative justice, and evidence based approaches to public safety. Please sign up at bit.ly/do14news for Councillor David Orlikoff's newsletter or email David.Orlikoff@cityofchicago.org with questions.


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Humboldt Condos Now Listed

The Chicago Housing Trust has recently listed Six 2BR condos at 1508 N Harding near North and Pulaski. These condos are restricted to households making under 100% of the area median income.

Live in a beautifully renovated 100-year-old Chicago 6-flat with a huge yard, five minutes to Humboldt Park, a short bike ride to the 606/Bloomingdale Trail, and 2 blocks from the North and Pulaski bus lines.

Contact 1508nharding@gmail.com or call/text Denise Reyes at (773) 391-1960 for details. Click here to apply.

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Garbage and Recycling Reminders

Get your trash and recycling pickup schedule and reminders (holidays, recycling events, bulky item pickup) emailed to you by using Recycle by City. Severe weather can affect the collection schedule. In the event of a delay, please leave your carts out until they have been collected. For missed pickups, please call 311.

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Latino Caucus Foundation 

Scholarship program for the 2024-2025 academic year. The CCLF will award over $200,000 scholarship dollars in the form of $5,000 scholarships to 40 qualified students from across Chicago. Scholars can apply online at ccclatinocaucus.org/about-scholarships. The deadline to apply is Friday, May 3, 2024 at 11:59pm. Eligibility:

  • U.S. Citizenship is NOT required for this scholarship
  • Students must be at least one-half Hispanic/Latino. Hispanic/Latino is an ethnic category, not a racial category; students may be of any race
  • Applicants must be a resident of the City of Chicago
  • Applicant must be a current high school senior graduating in 2024, OR a General Education Diploma (“GED”) certificate holder, OR an undergraduate student with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0/4.0

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Residential Electronics Recycling

See the flyer for information on drop-off locations for electronics ranging from computers and TVs to printers and game consoles.

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Vaccine and Microchip Clinics for Dogs

Animal Care and Control is also offering Vaccine and Microchip Clinics for dogs now through July. See the dates, locations, and details above. 

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Introductory Guide to City Services

If you want to learn how to access city resources and take an active role in your community, you can download our Introductory Guide to City Services. The guide includes steps to submit an infrastructure request, host a community event, get immigration, re-entry or domestic violence support, find your elected officials, and engage with various city departments. It also provides information on how to access critical services.

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Financial Assistance for Youth Activities

CEDA is offering financial assistance to eligible families who reside in Suburban Cook County and are looking to register their children in enrichment activities including summer camp, sports, performing arts and more. Learn more at (312) 795-8948 or visit www.cedaorg.net.

Get Involved

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Restore, Reinvest, & Renew Grants Now Open

Apply now for the Restore, Reinvest, and Renew (#R3) Program! This grant will help us continue providing services such as youth development and violence prevention. Nonprofits, faith-based organizations, businesses, and other community or neighborhood associations may apply for grants individually or in a collaborative with other groups. Click here to learn more. The deadline is April 30th. 

Job Opportunities

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CPS Job Fair

The Chicago Public Schools Talent Office is hosting the monthly CPS Job Paraprofessional Fair in the community for positions with Chicago Public Schools on Thursday, April 18, 2024 from 10:00am - 1:00pm at St. Sabina - McMahon Hall, 1210 West 78th Place, Chicago, IL 60620. We want to encourage members of the community to apply for positions within CPS in the area in which they live at www.cps.edu/careers.

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Obama Foundation Career and Volunteer Opportunities 

Interested in joining the Obama Presidential Center team? Check out the available open positions below!

Looking for a way to get involved in your community this Earth Day? The Obama Foundation will be in Jackson Park, from 10am to 12:30 pm, with our friends from the Jackson Park Conservancy, the Chicago Parks Foundation, and Emerald South on Saturday, April 20 to clean and beautify the grounds in preparation for spring. Register here to secure your spot.

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Erie Health Hiring

Erie Family Health Centers makes healthcare more accessible and affordable for everyone in our community, and they’re inviting people to join their mission-driven team. Check out these opportunities to work as a Medical Assistant or Patient Access Representative.

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School to Work Program for Young Adults

Bridges is a program that assists young adults in Chicago with job readiness, work maturity skills, job search, interviewing skills, entry level job placement, retention, and follow‐up. For more information go to bridgestowork.org.

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Career Opportunities with the City




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Additional Resources

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New Program Connects Landlords and Vacant Apartments To Folks In Need

Chicago Rents is a program that connects landlords to tenants through multiple housing subsidy programs, allowing property partners to receive guaranteed rent, fill vacant units, and access individualized support. Chicago Rents is a program that was created in response to COVID-19 to centralize property partner relationships across multiple housing programs. Through Chicago Rents, property partners are connected with Chicagoans in need of housing, filling unit vacancies and making a real difference in Chicago's neighborhoods. For additional information, please visit: allchicago.org/chicagorents.


If you are a landlord interested in joining the Chicago Rents program, you can click here to apply.

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Reproductive Justice

If you know someone looking for reproductive justice resources in Chicago, they can go to this Department of Public Health resource page to use the City’s digital community resource directory. There is also a free talkline (1-888-493-0092) where operators are available to share information on various reproductive justice options. 




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2511 W Division Street, Chicago, IL 60622



 Monday 1 pm - 7 pm |  Tuesday 10 am - 5 pm

Wednesday 10 am - 5 pm | Thursday 10 am - 5 pm

Friday 10 am - 5 pm